Please pass the antelope milk...

From a fellow blogger: "Let's really think about it. Why does anyone feel compelled to drink cow's milk? Why would anyone find it necessary to nurse on a cow three times a day? Why not an antelope? Would you be appalled if someone served you a glass of antelope milk to drink? Yuck. But maybe you'd gladly take that cow's milk, containing hormones, pesticides, pus, and any assortment of antibiotics, dioxins, bovine cancer cells- all kinds of bad stuff. There have been countless studies that show milk can have debilitating effects on a wide assortment of people. Kids can have unknown allergies to it. It may even be related to autism when the milk proteins (which humans aren't great at digesting) cross over into the bloodstream and mess with the nervous system. And the whole calcium thing. How does every other animal have strong bones? Drinking cow's milk? No. From the foods they eat. A cow gets its calcium from the grass and grains it eats. But most cows that are milked don't get to graze on grass. For the milk hungry world they are kept in small pens and milked numerous times a day. They are milked even if they are sick and standing in their own feces and urine. This statistic is shocking: 50 years ago (when cows could roam a bit on dairy farms), one cow would produce an average of 2000 lbs of milk a year. That average is now about 50,000 lbs! Is it by magic? No, by a cow penned up in a stall, hooked to a machine all day, and of course they have to give the cow lots of growth hormones and make the cow's body think it is pregnant. All that estrogen is floating in your milk now. Excess estrogen promotes breast and prostate cancer in humans. Mastitis caused by overmilking is common now in dairy farms, which means lots of pus gets into your milk, but don't worry the USDA limits the amount of pus, only 200 million pus cells (somatic cells) allowed in one liter of milk. Still, tests showed an average of 322 million pus cells in milk that people drink. Go ahead and look it up, not a joke. They even award the company that produces the least amount of pus in milk. Anyway, you can get your calcium from a much more natural source- from good ole vegetables. Also ask yourself why the USA has so many osteoporosis issues when we are one of the leading consumers of cow's milk? Countries that don't drink lots of milk are doing fine. There are some cultures where cow's milk doesn't exist to them, and they aren't hobbling around on broken bones. Bye bye milk."

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