Know what's in it.

You should know what's in what you eat and drink. Maybe you think you know? I would bet that you do not. It is estimated that more than 97% of Americans do not know. You should care enough to at least know. Learn what food and drink contain harmful disease promoting ingredients, and learn which promote health. Then when you are much older, you can look back at your life and either 1) be happy you turned to a healthy lifestyle way back when, or ... 2) regret that you didn't. Heart attack? I hope I never experience that pain. Cancer? Don't even want to think about it. I realize it is hard to find out that some of your favorite food and drink you've been eating and drinking all your life, under the assumption that they are healthy for you- that you need them for good health, are in actuality disease promoting, like: Milk, cheese, eggs, all meat, all fish including salmon, and all oils- (yes, even olive oil) have disease promoting quali...