
Showing posts from October, 2012

Know what's in it.

You should know what's in what you eat and drink. Maybe you think you know? I would bet that you do not. It is estimated that more than 97% of Americans do not know. You should care enough to at least know. Learn what food and drink contain harmful disease promoting ingredients, and learn which promote health. Then when you are much older, you can look back at your life and either 1) be happy you turned to a healthy lifestyle way back when, or ... 2) regret that you didn't. Heart attack? I hope I never experience that pain. Cancer? Don't even want to think about it. I realize it is hard to find out that some of your favorite food and drink you've been eating and drinking all your life, under the assumption that they are healthy for you- that you need them for good health, are in actuality disease promoting, like: Milk, cheese, eggs, all meat, all fish including salmon, and all oils- (yes, even olive oil) have disease promoting quali...

Heart disease in kids?!

I recently watched an HBO special: because of the unhealthy western diet (junk food/junk drink/food from animals- meat and dairy), children are starting to show signs of the beginnings of heart disease!

Dr. McDougall, the Canadian and U.S. Preventative Task Forces advise strongly against breast self- examinations.

This short video just in: A quote from Dr. M: "They do much more harm than good."

Can you do it? Yes you can.

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change." If you want to, you can change the way you look at food and drink. All it takes is an open mind. Again, the first thing you need to do is learn what foods are healthy, and what foods are not. For these answers, study the Welcome entry at If you can turn to a healthy lifestyle, you'll feel better, look better, live longer, and you'll be a tremendous influence to those around you, especially children. Sadly, the great majority of people are unable to rid unhealthy animal foods addiction. They shorten their lives by what they eat and drink.

If you would like to lose weight:


Breast Cancer Treatment

More video advice from the good doctor. Pay special attention to "the 60%":

What can be done?

From author and philanthropist John Robbins: "Americans today spend a smaller percentage of our income on food than any people in the history of the world. And we spend vastly more on disease care than any people have ever done. Meanwhile, we have the highest rate of obesity any nation has ever experienced. These facts are deeply related. The annual health insurance premiums paid by the average American family now exceed the gross yearly income of a full-time minimum-wage worker. Every thirty seconds, someone in the U.S. files for bankruptcy due to the costs of treating a health problem. The chairman of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, says his company spends more money on insurance for its employees than it spends on coffee. In all the heated debate about healthcare reform, there is one basic fact that is rarely discussed – the one thing that could dramatically bring down the costs of healthcare while improving human health. The single most effective step most people can t...

Heart disease plunges by 75%!

Image Submitted by Peter

Make up your own caption.


The Depleted Soil Pitch re Supplements

Directly from Dr. McDougall's book The Starch Solution , page 156: The sales pitch goes like this: "You must take supplements because of the poor condition of soil these days. The crops you eat were grown in soil that has been drained of its nutrients from years of overfarming. Now the foods that grow in them are also deficient in vitamins and minerals. Supplements will correct this problem by providing these missing nutrients." (From Dr M:) This simply is not true. Plants synthesize vitamins; they are not found in the soil. If a plant is going to bear roots, seeds, flowers, and/or fruits fit for sale, then it is going to have to produce all of the organic chemicals that are necessary for its own survival. We call the plant-derived organic chemicals vital for human nutrition vitamins. Your risk of suffering from mineral deficiency caused by depleted soil is so incredibly small that a single case would make national headlines. That's because you eat foods grown in a...

Heavenly burger?

I was driving along on an interstate yesterday and I saw a big billboard advertising a business that said, "Have a Halo Burger , go towards the light!" was this company's advertising slogan. This is wrong on so many levels. Using religion to sell a burger? Meat is not only unhealthy for people, and unhealthy for the earth, this company is using religion to make money. And how about the living conditions for the animals who were factory farmed raised for these "heavenly" burgers? All foods from animals cause inflammation/have disease promoting qualities. As John McDougall, MD says, "Animal foods are the wrong food for humans."