Congratulations New York!

By Greg Kaler
I congratulate the 33 New York legislators who passed the Gay Marriage bill (against 29 nay-sayers), making it now 6 states who have legalized gay marriage! 6 down, a lot to go. New York, the nation's third most populous state, will join Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, D.C., in allowing same-sex couples to wed.
One happy gay person said: "I am spellbound. I'm so exhausted and so proud that the New York state Senate finally stood on the right side of history".
My response: I am so happy for you and the millions who are like you! Yayyyyyyy!
One unhappy person: Amid Friday's celebration, New York Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan and bishops around the state released a statement condemning the passage of the law by the Legislature, saying they were "deeply disappointed and troubled."
My response: I am deeply disappointed in you and your dinosaur, bigoted view. I am troubled that there are so many people like you who have their heads in the sand. Someday you are going to find out that you were wrong on this issue and you are going to feel embarrassed. Skin color or sexual orientation does not matter! Good people are good people, period!
In a world turned absolutely upside down much of the time, it's so refreshing to see a law change which promotes human equality and dignity. It was the right thing to do New York. I applaud you! I am celebrating with you!