
Showing posts from June, 2011

Ten Dangerous Nutritional Myths

Picture is taken from Diamond Head, Hawaii From Guest Blogger Peter On "Vitamins/Supplements", "Everything in moderation", "The Protein myth", "The Calcium Myth", "Omega 3s", "Grilling foods", etc. (From the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii) If only EVERYBODY would watch this video. There would be much less disease and suffering. From the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii:

Congratulations New York!

By Greg Kaler I congratulate the 33 New York legislators who passed the Gay Marriage bill (against 29 nay-sayers), making it now 6 states who have legalized gay marriage! 6 down, a lot to go. New York, the nation's third most populous state, will join Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, D.C., in allowing same-sex couples to wed. One happy gay person said: "I am spellbound. I'm so exhausted and so proud that the New York state Senate finally stood on the right side of history". My response: I am so happy for you and the millions who are like you! Yayyyyyyy! One unhappy person: Amid Friday's celebration, New York Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan and bishops around the state released a statement condemning the passage of the law by the Legislature, saying they were "deeply disappointed and troubled." My response: I am deeply disappointed in you and your dinosaur, bigoted view. I am troubled that there are so many peop...

State Of The Ocean: 'Shocking' Report Warns Of Mass Extinction

The picture above is a one inch long, recently discovered pygmy seahorse. Click on the pic to enlarge. State Of The Ocean: 'Shocking' Report Warns Of Mass Extinction From Current Rate Of Marine Distress By Travis Donovan, Huffington Post If the current actions contributing to a multifaceted degradation of the world's oceans aren't curbed, a mass extinction unlike anything human history has ever seen is coming, an expert panel of scientists warns in an alarming new report. The preliminary report from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) is the result of the first-ever interdisciplinary international workshop examining the combined impact of all of the stressors currently affecting the oceans, including pollution, warming, acidification, overfishing and hypoxia. “The findings are shocking," Dr. Alex Rogers, IPSO's scientific director, said in a statement released by the group. "This is a very serious situation demanding unequivocal ac...

Ever notice the color of a piece of cooked meat?

By Greg Kaler While still making the foundation of our diet plant foods, my wife and I have gone back to occasionally eating free range ground turkey and wild caught fish. Doctor Joel Fuhrman's stance on 2-3 small servings of animal foods a week did affect our decision: , however I have myself to blame first- my weak mind going back to unhealthy, addictive habits that I've had most of my life. Ideally, for the best health I should not be eating any food from animals. That said... Before going back to turkey and fish I had been a vegan for two years- no animal foods whatsoever. Besides no meat, I was used to no junk foods at all, very low processed sugar, very low added salt. My tastes buds were and are very healthy, very sensitive to the sweetness and wonderful flavors of plant foods. Fruits and vegetables of course are very colorful. When we now cook ground turkey patties, we put only a ...

Study: Vegetarian Diets HEALTHIER IN EVERY WAY Than Diets With Meat


Got Professional Sports?

Click on this picture to enlarge. Rioters burn police cars after the Vancouver Canucks were defeated by the Boston Bruins in the NHL's Stanley Cup Final in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Wednesday June 15, 2011. Angry, drunken revelers ran wild Wednesday night after the Vancouver Canucks' 4-0 loss to Boston in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals, setting cars and garbage cans ablaze, smashing windows, showering giant TV screens with beer bottles and dancing atop overturned vehicles. Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson said. "It's absolutely disgraceful and shameful and by no means represents the city of Vancouver.... What's happened tonight is despicable."

Acceptable "Food Pyramids"

(Click on each picture to enlarge.) From Joshua Wold, artist, vegan From Julieanna Hever, RD/ From Neal Bernard, MD/Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: From Joel Fuhrman, MD/

USDA Demonizes Starch, While Promoting Meat, Dairy, and Disease

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the government agency responsible for the health of Americans, has recently enacted two national nutrition policies that limit the consumption of starchy grains and starchy vegetables, two traditional food groups that have provided the bulk of human diets for all of recordable history. The first policy will radically change the diets of school children. In the January 2011 report School Meals: Building Blocks for Healthy Children, the USDA Committee on Nutrition Standards for National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs recommended a reduction in starchy vegetables, such as white potatoes and corn, to one cup (total) per school week. Children, however, are encouraged to eat turkey sausages, egg patties, cheese omelets, chicken quesadillas, beef eggrolls, hot dogs, hamburgers, pepperoni pizza, roast beef, deli ham, chocolate milk, and margarine. The second policy prevents needy families from getting financial assistance to buy potatoes...

Shame on you FDA! This is UNBELIEVABLE!

I was fortunate to view this movie today. It is only available to view for free through June 20, 2011. If you are not able to view it, buy the DVD. It is UNBELIEVABLE what our corrupt Food and Drug Administration has done/is doing! Should medicine be all about MONEY, or HELPING PEOPLE!!! Scroll down for the video.

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth."

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

Fasting, Mad Cowboys, Food Pyramids, Cell Phones, And Oprah

(This is EXCELLENT!! Greg) By Walter Jacobson, MD June 8, 2011 A few months ago I read the book, “Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor’s Program For Conquering Disease” by Joel Fuhrman, M.D., which led to my decision to engage in a 7-day water only fast. If I were to pick one passage in the book which inspired me to do a fast it would be this one: “The innate wisdom of the body is such that, while fasting, it will consume for its sustenance superfluous tissues, carefully conserving vital tissues and organs. The body’s wondrous ability to autolyze (or self-digest) and destroy needless tissue such as fat, tumors, blood vessel plaque, and other nonessential and diseased tissues, while conserving essential tissues, gives the fast the ability to restore physiologic youth to the system.” That was my motivation. Take a break from food and put my body into a fasting mode whereby it would spare protein and, instead, gobble up fat cells, cancer cells, diseased cells and atheroscleroti...

New "Food Pyramid"- better but not good enough!

What I like about the new "Plate": The first thing my eyes were drawn to when I saw the new "Food Pyramid", or "Plate" from the USDA was the LARGE " Vegetables " portion in bright green - which really makes it stand out! This instantly made me very happy!, plus the Fruits , so at least half the "Plate" is filled with what it's suppose to be filled with. I also like the fact that there's no word "meat"! And I like the fact that there's only a SMALL icon for dairy and that it is OFF THE PLATE- giving the impression that it is only AN OPTION. That's the way I take it anyway. I like the fact that the word "protein" at least can infer a protein source be other than animal food, like beans (legumes)/soy, etc. What I don't like about the new "Plate": 1) The size of the protein icon IS TOO LARGE! There is a myth we need all this protein. Excess protein, especially animal protein taxes your kidn...