Comments from the Editor

I have received many different comments about Food For Thought over the past several months, both positive and negative. From "I agree with everything", to "I agree with almost everything", to "You don't have the right to write about health issues because you are not a doctor".
Of course it's easy to hear the positive comments. It's challenging to hear the negative. The negative comments especially inspire me to never give up, to always have hope that someday people will be turned on to a healthier lifestyle.
Yes, I am not a certified medical doctor. I am a messenger, a reporter.
I report what the best nutrition doctors in the world believe- ideology based on scientific facts and logic.

There will always be naysayers. That's a part of life. Some day these people may discover that the information presented in this blog was correct, and regret not following the advice.
Those who follow the advice have a better chance for a longer, healthier, happier life.

There will always be fine tuning. Even the best nutrition doctors in the world like Fuhrman and McDougall have minor disagreements about philosophy. But they all believe in plants. All the doctors I study believe the key to good health and longevity is a diet based on plants.

My wife Bev and I absolutely love the food we eat. A diet low in processed sugar, salt, and animal foods have made our taste buds sensitive to the wonderful, interesting, sweet tastes of foods that promote health and longevity: vegetables, fruit, beans, seeds and nuts. We hope you give it a try.

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