
Showing posts from May, 2011

" live in the most health promoting way, you do not have to exclude all animal products."

The following is taken directly from the Conclusions chapter of Joel Fuhrman, MD's book Eat For Health, found on pages 167-170. (This is a questions and answers part of the chapter, as a reader writes:) Question: Through the four phases of this book, you have been reducing the intake of animal products until they are only consumed two or three times a week. Would a total vegetarian (vegan) diet be better for one's long term health than one that includes these few animal servings per week? Dr. Fuhrman: "There is no clear scientific data that indicates a total vegetarian or vegan diet would be more life span promoting than one with two or three servings of animal products per week. The available research on the issue shows there is no clear answer, but a large amount of evidence supports the idea that there is not a large difference among diets that get zero to 15% of their calories from animal products, as long as the diet is otherwise micronutrient rich. (Plant foods have ...

The Single Best Way to Lose Weight

This entry is for those who are overweight and sincere about wanting to achieve their ideal body weight. Here’s your chance for the healthiest and most natural method to lose weight. Why listen to me? Well, you're really not listening "to me". I'm just the messenger- a reporter. The following information comes directly from the best nutrition experts in the world- medical doctors basing their findings on science. The books that this information comes from are listed at the end of this entry. Let's get serious. If you are overweight , you are playing with fire with your life. You are forcing your heart to work harder. Your extra weight is hard on your bones, muscles, and organs. Any extra weight you carry on your body, the more chance to develop disease- cancer, heart disease, diabetes II, and others. With your unhealthy lifestyle you may be shortening your life. If you’re not already, you may need to someday take expensive medication. Keep in mind taking medicati...

"If we do something foolish, like drink glassfuls of milk..."

... is part of an exact quote from Dr. John McDougall in this 9 minute video on how dairy and animal foods cause auto immune diseases like diabetes I, colitis, leaky gut, and others. Dr. McDougall says: "As many as three million Americans may have type 1 diabetes, and each year more than 15,000 children and 15,000 adults are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. But there's a pretty straightforward way to avoid it altogether: Don't consume dairy products or consume animal proteins -- but especially milk, cheese and other milk products. The same is true for myriad other autoimmune diseases, such as arthritis, colitis, lupus and many more." Scroll down for the video.

Comments from the Editor

I have received many different comments about Food For Thought over the past several months, both positive and negative. From "I agree with everything", to "I agree with almost everything", to "You don't have the right to write about health issues because you are not a doctor". Of course it's easy to hear the positive comments. It's challenging to hear the negative. The negative comments especially inspire me to never give up, to always have hope that someday people will be turned on to a healthier lifestyle. Yes, I am not a certified medical doctor. I am a messenger, a reporter. I report what the best nutrition doctors in the world believe- ideology based on scientific facts and logic. There will always be naysayers. That's a part of life. Some day these people may discover that the information presented in this blog was correct, and regret not following the advice. Those who follow the advice have a better chance for a longer, healthier,...

Light Bulb

Every time you turn on a light, you are shortening the life of the bulb. Every time you turn off a light you are conserving the life of the bulb. Think of yourself as a 100 watt light bulb. Think of each watt signifying 1 year of your life. Think of trying to live to be 100 years old: 100 watts = 100 years. Every time you do something healthy for yourself the light stays off- you are extending your life. Every time you do something unhealthy to yourself the light is turned on- you are shortening your life. In actuality, a person consuming unhealthy substances is "shortening the life of their bulb". Many people today are hopelessly addicted to unhealthy food and drink, may possibly become sick from their unhealthy habits, and possibly die a premature death because of them. Sadly, this can be prevented. If you truly want to achieve good health, you need to first educate yourself as to what is healthy and what is not. That is one of the main purposes of this blog: Making the fou...

People who are Gay

This entry is reissued and revised. One of our local "illustrious" and uninformed legislators- Steve Gottwald, (Paynesville, Minnesota) has sadly proposed a constitutional amendment in the Minnesota legislature to ban gay marriages. I truly believe Mr. Gottwald will find out someday that he made a terrible mistake. He will feel ashamed and embarrassed to find out he contributed to unnecessary hatred and prejudice in our world- that he contributed to human rights taking a step BACKWARD! It is quite interesting and depressing to find out that ALL Minnesota republicans (only one democrat) voted for this bill. What does this tell us about republicans! -that the great majority of republicans today are old fashioned? -that the majority of republicans today have their heads in the sand regarding this issue?! Mr. Lincoln, our first republican, is turning over in his grave. "...dedicated to the proposition that all men (and women) are created equal ." -----------------------...

Dr. McDougall Making a Difference!

Image Scroll down to watch the opening statements of Dr. McDougall and Dr. Forrester.