Meat and Dairy Cause Heart Attacks

Yesterday I found out that an old neighbor friend of mine that I used to play basketball with had a heart attack and died. We were the same age- 56. He'd never had a heart attack before. I know he had an unhealthy diet.

It makes me think. Is what we eat and drink worth the risk of an early death? I have done a lot of reading lately on heart disease and cancer. Think of cholesterol as little sticky bubbles. Whenever one consumes animal fat the cholesterol sticks to arteries. Over time it builds up, providing less and less room for blood flow, constricting the arteries, possibly leading to a heart attack. Taking doctor prescribed medication does help somewhat in an artificial way to decrease cholesterol build up, but what about the side affects and expense of the pills? A healthier, natural way is to transition to more of a plant-based diet. Why not prevent heart disease in the first place?
If you don't eat foods that have cholesterol you shouldn't have a cholesterol problem.

The lucky people who survive a first heart attack have a second chance. Most will rely on pills and continue with their unhealthy ways. I have a friend who says, "I can eat whatever I want just as long as I take my cholesterol pills." This approach may shorten his life. A better choice is to at the least decrease consumption of animal foods and transition to more of a plant-based diet.

I hope I never have to experience the pain of a heart attack.


"Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States for men and women. Nearly 2400 Americans die every day from cardiovascular disease – nearly one person every 37 seconds. Heart disease kills as many people annually as cancer, accidents, diabetes, and lung disease combined.

It is estimated that in 2008 about 800,000 Americans suffered their first heart attack, and another 400,000 suffered a repeat heart attack. This year at least 300,00 Americans first indication that they have heart disease will be sudden cardiac death.

Make sure you know your cardiovascular risk and are doing all you can to reduce your risk."

The following is a 45 minute radio interview. Much of it is doctor's jargon, but if you can be patient, pick out gems that are easy to understand.
This doctor does eat some wild fish and free-range poultry
but stresses plants/whole foods.

Links provided by Guest Blogger Peter

Dr. Castelli believes "the greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it."

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