Great Gravy Batman!

This is a gravy that really adds a nice touch to a healthy meal with starch as the foundation. Pour over any kind of potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, steamed vegetables, etc. A little Nature’s Balance (a non-dairy substitute) melted first on the potatoes, etc. adds a nice taste too (especially for meals with no gravy). Take it easy on the Nature’s Balance because it is pure fat, close to zero nutrients- unhealthy, but is a much better choice than butter or margarine.

Mushroom Gravy

Makes about 2 ½ cups

1 cup mushrooms any kind, sliced thin ( I like to use the white, button mushrooms.)
1 ¾ cup water (plus ½ cup water to first cook the mushrooms)
1/3- 1/2 cup flour (any healthy whole grain flour: wheat, quinoa, millet, kamut, spelt, others?)
1-3 Tbsp tamari soy sauce (Tamari is salty so I use a little more than 1 Tbsp- add to taste. Remember the more salt and sugar you take out of your diet the more healthy/sensitive your taste buds!)
1-2 tsp vegetable broth powder or 1-2 vegetable bouillon cubes- if using these, dissolve/mash in a little water before adding.
First place the ½ cup water in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Add the mushrooms and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Add the remaining ingredients and stir with a wire whisk until the sauce is well mixed and there are no lumps.
Stir constantly over medium heat until very hot. Reduce heat and cook on the lowest setting until the gravy thickens. Cooking time will depend on how much flour you use. The more flour the quicker it will thicken.
Stir occasionally while simmering. You can use the gravy as is, or take half of it and put in a blender, then combine. Makes for more dishes, but has a nice consistency.
I am going to try using other veggies rather than the mushrooms- maybe just red bell peppers, or red bell peppers and mushrooms. Time to go into the lab.
Store unused gravy in the frig in an airtight container for another meal!

I haven’t tried all the types of flours yet. Possibly some types will be more lumpy than others? Whole wheat works very well for this recipe. If the gluten free flours (quinoa and millet) get lumpy, try “super whisking” them/put the entire mixture in a small blender.

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