
Showing posts from January, 2011

Are you a Republican, Democrat, or ... you just try to be a good person? :) It is incredibly interesting that people have such differences in opinion! You'd think that we'd all agree more about what's right, and what's wrong. It's one of the great mysteries of life. Here's my take why there are such differences: I do want to take issue with the ideal that is apparent with those on the Republican side of the fence: They propose that life would be better if there was less government, more "self government." If we each were perfect, I'd see this logic. I think Republicans give themselves too much credit. My belief is more and better rules are what's needed. You can't call it socialism or communism. It has to called something like, "perfection", or "panacea", or "utopia". We all know, it aint gonna happen. We are never going to have a perfect world, a perfect government, perfect rules. But what we each need to do is work toward IMPROVEMENTS. Th...

This is how I see it.

In regards to the word "natural", one of my absolutely favorite words: For the health of the earth, and for the health of all people, we should transition to a diet that is naturally intended for humans: a plant based diet. There should be a tax on ALL unnatural unhealthy food and drink. A doctor "in the know" will decide what is healthy and what is not. The tax money could be used to feed hungry people around the world. No more spraying of poison on my food. It is not natural to put poison on my food. At meal time: "Please pass the poison?" Grow food ONLY organically. Apply a "Poison Tax" on all sprayed food, or declare it illegal. Use the tax money to feed hungry people. All packaging materials should be recyclable or biodegradable. If not, un-recyclable materials should be taxed or declared illegal. Use the tax money to feed hungry people. No more styrafoam! Even better yet, adopt the natural "zero waste" concept. ie: bring your own ...

The Enslaved

We visited our son who lives in Charleston, SC, a beautiful city with lots of history. Our family of four toured Magnolia Plantation. On the site were the original slave quarters. A tour guide presented an informative lecture. Here are a few points I remember: The main reason for the slave trade in this region was for growing rice. White slave traders stole Africans who knew how to grow rice. They took their freedom- they stole it. Slave traders in this area also stole Africans who knew about animal husbandry. This is where the term "cowboy" first came from, not from Texas. An African man was disrespectfully referred to as "boy". A "cow- boy." Mosquitos in the area carried malaria, which killed many white people on the plantation, however the enslaved were immune to the disease. For this reason most white people left the plantation during the mosquito season. As you can see by the picture, slave quarters were about as basic as it gets. A square, small str...