Boot Camp For Weight Loss
This entry is for those who are overweight, sincere about wanting to achieve their ideal weight. Here’s your chance for the healthiest and most natural method to lose weight. If you are overweight, you are playing with fire with your life. You are forcing your heart to work harder. Your extra weight is hard on your bones, muscles, and organs. Any extra weight you carry on your body the more chance you have for disease- cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes II, osteoporosis, and others. With your unhealthy lifestyle you may be shortening your life. If you’re not already, you may need to someday take expensive medication. Keep in mind taking medication for a diet related disease, ie diabetes II, does not heal the disease- it’s like putting a band-aid on a cut that never heals, not to mention the unhealthy side affects of the pills. If you are overweight you are dangerously playing with your longevity, risking dying at an earlier age than need be. If you are overweight your unh...